
(Note: Shadow Jago is identical to Jago in every way except appearance)
Style: Balanced
Most Similar To: Ryu
Strengths: Great all-around game. Good zoning with fireballs, good frame trap offense is boosted by numerous safe on block openers, a good low crush special move, and a fast, long-range overhead. Unbeatable, high-damage anti-air.
Weaknesses: Instinct mode is strong, but it requires an opening to use; some matches it will not be very effective. Does not have a fast-hitting shadow move, which can limit Jago's damage output at times. Somewhat linear offense requires care to avoid shadow counters from stout defenders.

Openers: Wind Kick (shadow OK), Laser Sword (shadow OK)

Jago only has two special move openers, but only heavy Wind Kick is unsafe, which gives Jago numerous close-range safe openers to attempt. Watch for the distinctive upwards sword swing and voice clip that will distinguish Laser Sword from Jago's normals. The LK and MK versions of Wind Kick are safe on block and crush lows (try doing two of them in a row to stuff opponents mashing low buttons), and the shadow version travels very far, very fast, and is also projectile and throw immune. Shadow Laser Sword is a high damage opener which cannot be broken.

Linkers: Wind Kick (shadow OK), Laser Sword (shadow OK)

It's nice when it's simple. Jago's linkers are the same as his openers. Laser Sword does more damage than Wind Kick, but the higher strengths are easier to break, so use Wind Kick when fishing for lockouts, then transition into light Laser Swords for punishment.

Enders: Battery: Endokuken, Damage: Tiger Fury (shadow OK), Wall Splat: Wind Kick, Launcher: Laser Sword

Stick with Jago's battery ender early in the fight and during instinct (it builds a lot of meter) and use the damage ender elsewhere. If your opponent is cornered, going for a cheeky reset using the wall splat ender is okay on occasion. The launcher ender is not worth forgoing the other benefits to use.

Instinct Mode: Jago can gain back an insane amount of life using his instinct mode, especially with two meters stocked, off any throw, any overhead, or any low hit confirm, without giving your opponent a chance to break if you so choose. Landing one or two follow-up mixups before your instinct expires can net a 100% health swing or more, and the double fireballs are exceptional zoning tools in the neutral game, which make this instinct strong. However, double fireballs don't do much chip damage, which means this instinct is generally used as a hit confirm in pressure or after a throw. If you're unable to open your opponent up without instinct, it will not be any easier with instinct active, and if you are unable to use your instinct before your first health bar expires, it is a substantial waste.

Normals to watch: Jago's +HK double roundhouse command normal is safe on block and a great pressure tool, but watch for shadow counters. Far standing MP and HP are excellent at controlling space in front of Jago and lead to easy hit confirms off Endokuken. Crouching MK is an effective shoto space controller. +HP is a nearly unseeable overhead that reaches three character lengths and should be abused. Jumping HP is a beastly crossup that can be made very ambiguous and meaty on knocked down opponents.

Specials to watch: Tiger Fury is a very hard-hitting 1-hit uppercut which is infallible as anti-air, does massive damage on counter hit, and can be instinct canceled for unbreakable health regeneration whether it's used as a 3-frame punish, anti-air, or as a one-time safe frame trap. Shadow Endokuken comes out very fast after the freeze and destroys projectiles along its path, and is fully safe, even from shadow counters, making it a decent guess move in the mid-range.

General strategy: Jago likes to do "shoto stuff" a lot. In some matchups he prefers to zone with fireballs, but he is an effective frame trapper and is difficult to punish without shadow counters, so feel free to take the fight to your opponent. He can pressure like SFIV Akuma with +HK, and he can control the corner even better than Ryu with his fast, long-range overhead. If you want to punish jump-happy opponents and frustrate your opponent with fundamentals, Jago is an excellent choice in KI.

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