Style: Rushdown
Most Similar To: Cammy (if Cannon Strike was an overhead), Guy
Strengths: Some of the scariest rushdown in the game; his high-low mixups are unsafe but unreactable from half screen away, and he can dash through opponents to create left-right mixups any time he is even remotely close. Very strong footsies for a rushdown character, which lets him play a solid game to back up moments of reckless abandon. Perhaps the best instinct in the game.
Weaknesses: Has a very shallow jump, which can make it difficult to approach characters who control lots of horizontal space. Despite having a good shadow reversal, he has a poor backdash which will force you to make solid reads on your wakeup to survive.
Openers: Ragged Edge (shadow OK), Hamstring, Jumping Slash (shadow OK)
Ragged Edge is his go-to block string ender, since it is his only safe on block opener. Ragged Edge is always 2 hits and his paws will glow blue; learn to distinguish this move from his LP, MP, HP target combo. Hamstring (low) and Jumping Slash (high) are both options out of his command run special move, and are excellent mixup and reset tools. Jumping Slash in particular clocks in at 14 frames of startup, which is obscene for an overhead move that has a strong low threat to back it up.
Linkers: Ragged Edge (shadow OK), Hamstring, Jumping Slash (shadow OK)Like Jago, Sabrewulf's linkers are the same as his openers. Hamstring (LK after run) and Jumping Slash (MK after run) are unique linkers; they both only hit once, despite needing to be broken with lights or mediums respectively, but if you hold LK or MK, you will get a two hit version of each special move that must be broken with heavies. Coupled with similar-looking auto-doubles and Ragged Edge linkers blending in, Sabrewulf can be difficult to combo break.
Enders: Damage: Eclipse (shadow OK), Wall Splat: Ragged Edge, Launcher: Running UppercutSabrewulf has no battery ender, so he should prefer the damage ender most of the time. He gets more reset potential than other characters after a wall splat ender, though, due to his ability to dash through opponents, so this might be the go-to corner ender. The launcher ender sets up a safe jump with natural timing, should you choose to test your opponent's defensive fundamentals.
Instinct Mode: Really, really good. Sabrewulf does a lot more chip damage, which makes chip a real threat in a game where chip damage is usually quite low, and he does more actual damage to boot. But most importantly, Sabrewulf can feral cancel any move on hit, block, or even whiff (yikes) just by pressing HP+HK, which cancels the move immediately into a small number of recovery frames. At least there's a little bit of a cooldown before you can cancel again, but it means Sabrewulf is free to run his high-low, left-right mixups on you very safely until you crack or pick a good spot to reversal. It also makes all his reversals safe on block and safe from shadow counter. If he starts canceling moves on whiff to fake putting you in block stun before his mixups, good luck escaping big damage without a clutch combo breaker.Normals to watch: Crouching LP is excellent, especially after post-dash mixups. It has good range, chains into itself and can be canceled into an opener. Sabrewulf's sweep is done with crouching HP, and it's an excellent footsies tool which can start his offense. Close standing MK is a beefy meaty attack at 7 active frames, excellent for thwarting non-invincible escape options and conditioning an opponent to sit still. Crouching HK works great as an anti-air.
Specials to watch: Apart from the aforementioned Hamstring and Jumping Slash, Sabrewulf can also execute a safe on block Running Uppercut (HK after run) which looks a lot like a normal attack; Sabrewulf simply swings a large paw in front of his face. After you block this excellent footsies tool, Sabrewulf gets to threaten with throws or crouching LPs. Shadow Eclipse is a fantastic reversal and anti-air attack which is easy to react with, since it's a motion with no charge attached. Shadow Jumping Slash will recapture opponents, which is great for catching opponents jumping backwards in the corner, after an instinct canceled combo breaker, or after a shadow Eclipse reversal if you have two meters to burn.
General strategy: Sabrewulf backs up his extremely threatening rushdown with a surprisingly strong capability for patient footsies and defensive play. Sabrewulf is fully able to play a defensive turtle game using Running Uppercut, sweep, and safe Ragged Edge, just enough to lull you into not reacting to a surprise Hamstring or Jumping Slash at footsies range. Once Sabrewulf gets close, he's free to run the show until you guess right, and you might lose an entire health bar if you're on the wrong end of a few mixups. If he has activated instinct, try to weather the storm or completely run away to the best of your ability. It is possible to abuse Sabrewulf's weaknesses and zone him out, but eventually he will find a way to make you guess on a mixup. Just make sure your punishes hurt when you guess correctly, or this character will run a train on you.