In these pages, we'll discuss a bit about each character. To keep the scope reasonable, we won't be outlining too many advanced strategies or matchup advice. Instead, I'll outline a bit about what each character can do, what their important moves look like, discuss their strengths and weaknesses a bit, and maybe one or two neat tricks you can incorporate.
Note: I will never list "jump-ins" for a character's openers, since this fact is universally true and I don't want it to clutter up the pages. Just remember that all jump-ins are openers. Also, an opener is listed only if it can cancel into auto-doubles and linkers. Some special moves will still lead to the combo system if the offense performs a link after a special move, including after specials that launch the opponent into the air or leave them at high frame advantage. These moves will not be included in the list of openers even though they can start an offensive combo.